The Best Ways to Take Kratom

There’s no right or wrong way to take Kratom. Some are certainly easier than others. Some are faster. Others are more comfortable. There are no rules. You can be as creative as you like. If you figure out a way we haven’t thought of, please let us know so we can add it to the article. Don’t worry, we will be sure to credit you as the source! Okay, let’s proceed.


The Toss n’ Wash method of ingesting Kratom is popular among experienced Kratom users.  It involves measuring out the desired Kratom-powder dosage, wetting the tongue with a small layer of water (or not wetting the tongue), then pouring the powder into the mouth and immediately washing the powder down in a big gulp—or two or three immediately-successive gulps.

Creasing a piece of paper and putting the Kratom in the crease and then tipping the Kratom-on-the-paper into the mouth is common.  Toss-and-wash people recommend swishing water in the mouth to thoroughly wash everything down, and of course a person can always gulp additional water once the initial onslaught of Kratom powder has been washed down.

Pros of the toss-n-wash method…

  • Gets the job done quickly.
  • Requires minimal resources and preparation time: All that’s needed is a glass of water and Kratom powder—the latter being tipped into the mouth on a creased piece of paper.
  • Speeds the Kratom to the small intestine without competition from calories contained in say, food or juice, which is a plus for people who seek Kratom results relatively quickly.

Cons of the toss-n-wash method…

  • Kratom tastes awful to most people, and even though they’re “tossing” the Kratom into their mouth quickly and “washing” it down in hurry, they still have to taste the stuff.
  • The toss-and-wash method can trigger the co-called “gag reflex” in some people.
  • You end up with Kratom in your throat and mouth (residual amount of powder), and you may need several additional gulps of water to get rid of the Kratom in your throat.
  • You can ingest the Kratom into your lungs accidentally (breathing the wispy powder in), causing you to cough up fine Kratom dust—reportedly an unpleasant experience.
  • Bad breath:  Imagine if your dog took Kratom.  It’s that bad, say those who believe Kratom gives them bad breath.  Some say that even after brushing their teeth and drinking lots of water, there can still be residual Kratom Breath issues.


Plenty of Kratom vendors encapsulate Kratom powder for sale, and individual Kratom users can buy devices to make their own Kratom-powder capsules.  Some users feel capsules are ideal and they accept the tradeoff that it can take the Kratom much longer to “hit” their system because the outer layer of the capsules needs to be digested before the Kratom can be released into the small intestine where it’s launched into the bloodstream.

Experienced Kratom-capsule users say they like capsules because they come in easy-to-dose sizes such as 500mg, 750 mg, and 1,000mg capacities and they can largely forego measuring powder every time they want to dose some Kratom.

Pros of Kratom Capsules…

  • Capsules come in convenient easy-to-dose sizes.
  • Capsules are easily stored; they’re portable.
  • Capsules don’t get Kratom powder all over the place.

Cons of Kratom Capsules…

  • Takes longer for the Kratom to “hit” the system because the outer layer of the capsules needs to be digested before the Kratom can be released into the small intestine.
  • Although capsules can be purchased in a variety of capacities, typically-available sizes are 500mg, 750 mg, and 1,000 mg.  Thus, Kratom users who would prefer to be more precise in their Kratom dosing—such as measuring amounts less than 250mg—might find capsules somewhat restrictive in that regard.

Kratom Tea

Making Kratom tea is about as popular as toss-and-wash and capsules.  Many people swear by it, claiming it eliminates the “Kratom Breath” problem associated with the toss-and-wash method.  Some claim the actually enjoy the “acquired taste” of Kratom tea that’s not mixed in with other teas—such as green tea, black tea, lemon tea, or some other flavor.  Mixing Kratom tea with other kinds of tea is by far the more popular method of dosing Kratom via tea.

Kratom tea can be made by steeping Kratom leaves in boiling (or almost-boiling) water, but most people purchase Kratom powder—pulverized Kratom leaves—so that’s what they make their tea from.  Sometimes there’s a little residual (or a lot of) left over Kratom that has to be “re-steeped” after the initial Kratom tea has been made.  Some Kratom-tea people say  the entire making-Kratom-tea process is rewarding because they like the ritual of taking the time to make Kratom tea and/or because drinking Katom tea reportedly launches the Kratom into their system faster and gives them a quicker and more intense high.  On the flip side, say Kratom-tea makers, the high doesn’t last as long as if they’d dosed their Kratom another way.

Pros of Kratom Tea…

  • Reportedly kicks in (“hits”) faster than other methods.
  • Dilutes the nasty taste of Kratom somewhat.
  • Avoids having to choke down Kratom powder such as with the toss-and-wash method.
  • Enjoyable procedure for people who like to make tea in the first place.
  • Can be mixed with other types of tea.

Cons of Kratom Tea…

  • The Kratom “high” doesn’t last as long as other methods.
  • Tea makers may need to re-do (re-steep) leftover Kratom powder/particles to make sure all the Kratom gets used up—dissolved into the tea.

Kratom Juice

Stirring or shaking a juice-and-Kratom-powder mixture suspends the Kratom in flavored liquid and is said to be a good way to ingest Kratom if you are super sensitive to Kratom’s terrible taste.

Pros of Kratom Juice…

  • Tastes good.
  • It’s a pretty quick procedure if you have juice on hand.

Cons of Kratom Juice…

  • Kratom-with-Juice users don’t get the benefit on taking Kratom on a completely empty stomach.  Juice has calories, and because users’ small intestine need to digest those calories (in addition to the Kratom), and because the digestive tract has limited resources and the juice is competing with the Kratom for those resources (as the Kratom would have to compete with any other food item present), the Kratom’s launch into the bloodstream—and hence the Kratom “high”—can be delayed or lessened, which some users find untenable.

Kratom Yogurt

Same as with juice (same downside—yogurt is food and the Kratom can get lost in the food as far as your digestive tract is concerned.  However, the Kratom will still be absorbed into your bloodstream; it will just take longer.

Kratom Leaf Chew

Kratom leaves have traditionally been chewed (like leaf tobacco) for centuries in Asia.  It’s still chewed by many people who have access to, and a taste for, Kratom leaves.  Many Kratom vendors find that shipping Kratom as a powder is more convenient (small packages) and many users—such as those in North America, Europe and Australia for instance—tend to agree that Kratom powder—whether raw or encapsulated—is a more practical way to purchase, store, handle, and dose Kratom.

Dried Kratom leaves can be smoked—like dried tobacco—but some say it’s impractical to smoke Kratom because a person would need to smoke so much more of it than they’d need to achieve the Kratom “high” by other means of ingestion.  Besides this, smoking Kratom just seems like a really bad idea to most people because of the prospective damage to their lungs.  There are “resin” extracts available for purchase, and smoking the resins is a habit of some Kratom users; however, there’s the lung damage issue and also the getting-hooked-on-Kratom faster issue because the resin is more potent than raw Kratom leaves when smoked.

Kratom Extract

Some say all Kratom consumption is bad; however, taking Kratom extract is generally thought to be one of the worst ways to ingest Kratom because, although the high is said to be more intense, tolerance builds quickly and the withdrawal symptoms can therefore be more severe.  The tolerance builds up so high so quickly that Kratom-extract users can become accustomed to taking so much of the active ingredients in Kratom—“extracted” from other Kratom forms—that the “come down” is proportionately more intense/severe than withdrawing from a lesser Kratom tolerance level such as from using Kratom leaves or raw powder.


A solution of potent Kratom extract mixed with alcohol and water, is taken on the tongue or added to drinks. It’s typically as mall, brown bottle.  The solution is imbued/infused with liquid Kratom extract. This is very potent stuff, and everything we’ve said about Kratom extract applies here, including major potential for fast addiction to Kratom.

Pros of Kratom Tincture…

  • More intense Kratom “high.”

Cons of Kratom Ticture…

  • Builds tolerance quickly; harder to quit.
  • Withdrawal symptoms more severe.


No matter how you take your Kratom, it’s important to understand how it works including the risks of using it too much or for too long. Use the other articles of this website to arm yourself with knowledge so you can manage your Kratom usage and stay healthy and happy for a long time. Thanks for reading!